Paragliding in Gudauri, dancing in Shovi

We drive north to Gudauri, the next paragliding hotspot. The drive is long, so we stop at Ananuri (historical fortress with two churches) for a night. The spot was recommended to us by Maarten, a pilot from South Africa. We got the contact from Kira, who met him before on her trip here in Georgia. At this spot we also meet Kurt. The Dutchman is travelling with a rather old campervan, is a photographer and has actually been travelling the world for 20 years.

Cappadocia, Kayseri and Corona

in der Luft :)

Goodbye Ölüdeniz! One of the most touristy, built-up, but nevertheless also most impressive flying areas is now behind us. We say goodbye to the room with air conditioning and head back to our camper. The road calls... we haven't really seen much of Turkey yet. We spend the next few nights by the sea - at a...

Road Trip West Turkey

we show our home

We drive along the Mediterranean Sea. Our next big destination is Ölüdeniz. There we want to do a safety course for flying. We don't have any contact yet, but we don't have any stress either, but - as always - plenty of time. On our way we pick up hitchhikers. Many are travelling with their tents, or were there over the weekend...

Pit stop in Italy

Landing Beach

Am 19. April 2022 (Happy Birthday Sophie!!) ist es so weit. Viel zu früh (um 07:00 Uhr) sehen wir den Hafen in Genua, unsere Fähre dreht sich bereits zum anlegen. Wie aus dem Nichts ist über Nacht Europa wieder vor uns aufgetaucht. Wir können uns weiter auf unsere Reise machen. Marokko und alles Erlebte hinter…

From the Eagle's Nest to the Anti-Atlas

we finally arrived

Ich weiss ich weiss… der nächste Sprung ist gross. Aber gerade notwendig. Neben all dem Erlebten und auch den Videos bleibt kaum Zeit, die Blogposts zu machen. Ich will mich da bessern. Und aktueller bleiben. Deshalb hier ein kleiner Kompromiss: Die zukünftigen Posts werden wieder aktueller, die nächsten hier werden dafür lang und eine Zusammenfassung…

Christmas at the sea

We say goodbye to the Sahara with Craig and Aimee ("wearekingingit") and Chloé and James ("takeadriveonthewildside") and arrange to meet them for Christmas. They want to celebrate on the coast and since we have absolutely nothing planned, we gladly accept. That's where our path should lead us anyway, because to be honest, it's cold right now...