Crossing the border also means that we now see Ararat from pretty much every side. It is actually an important mountain for Armenia, after all Noah's Ark is said to have landed on it, but it is located on Turkish territory. Only from far away you can see it from Yerevan... but everything is named after it - bars, banks, beers.
Tag: paragliding
Armenia: rave and fly, war and replanning
After only a few meters across the border, we already notice differences between the two small countries. Armenia seems much more "Soviet" than Georgia. The streets are full of old Ladas - people drive much more relaxed than in the neighboring state in the north (how much I don't miss the traffic in Georgia haha), many buildings are empty, there is coffee everywhere...
Paragliding in Gudauri, dancing in Shovi
We drive north to Gudauri, the next paragliding hotspot. The drive is long, so we stop at Ananuri (historical fortress with two churches) for a night. The spot was recommended to us by Maarten, a pilot from South Africa. We got the contact from Kira, who met him before on her trip here in Georgia. At this spot we also meet Kurt. The Dutchman is travelling with a rather old campervan, is a photographer and has actually been travelling the world for 20 years.
From the Black Sea to Batumi
We have arrived in the north of Turkey. We have slowly wound our way through the mountain roads and the Black Sea spreads out in front of us. It's rough and grey and very windy, plus it's raining again for a long time. And it's going to rain for a few days. Luca's friends from St. Gallen would have sent a parcel...
Paragliding Safety Course (SIV) in Ölüdeniz (Turkey)
On 31 May, the time has come. We are in actually pretty much the only place we had already planned to visit at the beginning of our long journey: Ölüdeniz. It is a "flyer's paradise", or at least they like to sell it as such... we are excited. From van to flat The first big change is giving up the...
Video #8: Paragliding in Aguergour (Morocco) and other adventures...
Arriving in Aguergour, we are introduced to the paragliding spot, which is new to us. We can park our camper van directly at the landing site - what a luxury. Although we can't fly on the first day, we receive a very warm welcome from the local pilots. The days are marked by beautiful sunset flights and long thermal adventures, the...
A Greek Drama
Die Fähre legt in Ancona (It) ab und nach nur einer (furchtbaren, beinahe schlaflosen und extrem unfreundlichen) Nacht ohne Kabine kommen wir am nächsten Tag schon in Igoumenitsa (Gr) an. Wir haben nichts vor und fahren auf den ersten Camping, nur 20 Minuten vom Hafen entfernt. Wir können direkt am Meer halten, das Wasser ist…
3 Weeks Essaouira and a lot of Waiting
Zurück an die Küste Wir fahren von der Farm direkt durch in den Westen und kommen in Sidi Kaouki – einem Surfdorf an. Dort bekommen wir leider mit, wie ein noch relativ kleiner Hund vor unseren Augen überfahren wird. Es war ein Unfall, aber keinen scheint es wirklich zu interessieren. Der Autobesitzer checkt seine Reifen…
Paragliding in Aguergour
Die Grenzen Marokkos werden am 7. Februar geöffnet. Am 4. Februar allerdings erreichen uns dann die Nachrichten, dass dies weder für die Landes- noch die Seegrenzen gelten wird. Lediglich der Luftraum ist wieder offen. Unsere Fähre wäre am 16ten und wir geben noch nicht auf. Wir wollen die letzte Woche hier noch fliegen, verabschieden uns…
From the Eagle's Nest to the Anti-Atlas
Ich weiss ich weiss… der nächste Sprung ist gross. Aber gerade notwendig. Neben all dem Erlebten und auch den Videos bleibt kaum Zeit, die Blogposts zu machen. Ich will mich da bessern. Und aktueller bleiben. Deshalb hier ein kleiner Kompromiss: Die zukünftigen Posts werden wieder aktueller, die nächsten hier werden dafür lang und eine Zusammenfassung…