Of course technology is important. Especially the engine. And the circuit. And the heater. And the solar panel. And anyway all the electronics. And, and, and... But the bus is also our home for the next few months. For how long exactly, we don't know. He should still be beautiful. Once started, it's almost impossible to stop with ideas...
What was has to go
We took care of the ceiling for the first time. This consisted of a fabric glued to the insulation. Although you have to admit that "glued" wasn't the right word for a long time. Rather, the fabric hung in whole strips from the ceiling. Rather impractical. So we removed everything, i.e. this substance and whatever else came along. That was pretty dusty.
scrub the sky
It didn't look any better in the driver's cabin either. Without further ado, the headliner was removed and all residues of glue removed, and it was already ready to be given a new color. It's a good thing that one of our roommates is a trained painter. This way we can be sure that the color will still shine even when the rest of it shouldn't. And what would be a better motif than a few clouds that keep showing us where we will be with the paragliders?
Now it's getting cozy
And then what next? To be honest, we didn't know. There are 1,000 blogs about campervan conversions, but most of them use wooden slats to cover the ceiling. It looks really pretty, but it was too expensive and too heavy for us. So we decided to use felt. It's super easy to put on with spray adhesive, it's "botch-proof" and actually holds up. In addition, it is super stretchy. And since we wanted to get everything in one piece, this is more than just practical. After less than an hour, the interior looked completely different and a feeling of home is slowly becoming more and more apparent.
Another step in the interior design is thus completed. It went a lot quicker than we thought. We are totally satisfied and the result is impressive.