Flying Vagabonds travel the world.

Once upon a time, not so long ago, there were two people who no longer wanted to stay on the ground... literally. So they took to the skies. There they met each other, became entangled and realised how much bigger the world can become when you are carried by the wind. Once in the air, they wanted more and more of it. They decided to say goodbye to their previous lifes and went on to travel the world together - flying, but without getting on a plane.
- Bericht im Swiss Glider
- East Turkey: at a Kurdish wedding, flying at Lake Van and a fortune kittenCrossing the border also means that we now see Ararat from pretty much every side. It is actually an important mountain for Armenia, after all Noah's Ark is said to have landed on it, but it is located on Turkish territory. Only from far away you can see it from Yerevan... but everything is named after it - bars, banks, beers. Continue reading Osttürkei: auf kurdischer Hochzeit, fliegen am Van-See und ein Glücks-Büsi
- Armenia: rave and fly, war and replanningAfter only a few meters across the border, we already notice differences between the two small countries. Armenia seems much more "Soviet" than Georgia. The streets are full of old Ladas - people drive much more relaxed than in the neighboring state in the north (how much I don't miss the traffic in Georgia haha), many buildings are empty, there is coffee everywhere... Continue reading Armenien: raven und fliegen, Krieg und Umplanung
- Georgia Road Trip: From Svaneti via Gori to Tbilisi up to the borderAnother valley in Georgia that many people tell us about (and - surprise, surprise - which is sometimes called the Switzerland of Georgia) is Svaneti. It would have been a dream to paraglide there, too, if it hadn't been for the accident (read more about it in the Continue reading Georgien Roadtrip: Von Svaneti über Gori nach Tbilisi bis zur Grenze
- Video #9: Stuck in Morocco - Experiencing Essaouira with artist Zi-HountiFor the first time we are really planless on the road. We can't plan anything, because we don't know when Morocco will reopen the border (February/March 2022). So we let ourselves in fully on what just appears in front of our noses. We drive to the sea to Essaouira and meet there unexpectedly the hostel actually closed because of renovations... Continue reading Video #9: In Marokko hängengeblieben – Essaouira erleben mit dem Künstler Zi-Hounti
- Paragliding in Gudauri, dancing in ShoviWe drive north to Gudauri, the next paragliding hotspot. The drive is long, so we stop at Ananuri (historical fortress with two churches) for a night. The spot was recommended to us by Maarten, a pilot from South Africa. We got the contact from Kira, who met him before on her trip here in Georgia. At this spot we also meet Kurt. The Dutchman is travelling with a rather old campervan, is a photographer and has actually been travelling the world for 20 years. Continue reading Fliegen in Gudauri, tanzen in Shovi